All Children Matter Day
By Maria Cricket Henderson Fall 2021 This year the loss of lives really made us reflect back to a time when children’s lives were lost
The mission of the Kickapoo Nation School is to provide quality holistic education programs for all children from birth throughout life consistent with the tribe’s needs for cultural and economic well-being as a distinct tribe and a sovereign governmental entity
The school shall manifest consideration of the whole person taking into account the spiritual, mental, physical, and cultural aspects of the person within the family and tribal contexts.
We promote dignity, courtesy, responsibility and high expectations so our students can excel.
The Latest News
By Maria Cricket Henderson Fall 2021 This year the loss of lives really made us reflect back to a time when children’s lives were lost
Student Art Show This morning students attended a Hansel and Gretel play performed at the Highland community college. Some students also participated in archery class.
Student Art Show The Kickapoo Nation School in Powhattan, Kansas has been honored to have their students’ art shown at the University of Kansas’s Lied